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Summer week 32

Under 8 weeks to go...
Lets start off with something that is fresh in my mind - last nights ante-natal class! The strange couple didn't turn up this week much to the midwifes relief. Me and phil were the first to arrive (again) and had a giggle with Tanya (the midwife) about the previouse week. She promised that we would be finished much quicker this time.
We went over assisted labour - what happens when things go wrong! The look on my face must have been quite something as she kept apologising to me specifically everytime she said something gory. Funnily enough i can handle most things but when it comes to having the drip tube in your wrist or the epidural cord in your spine i get incredibly squeemish. She ran through the realities of a C section and its much more scarier than i had first thought.
I always thought you couldn't feel anything but she said it actually feels like someone is doing the washing up in your tummy. Also that you are only anethasised from a certain part down and to be aware that the skin on your upper body will still have complete feeling and will get pulled and stretched which can feel very horrible. Then they have to touch your ovaries at one point which will hurt like hell aparently. Anyway i really do not like the sound of that.
The main thing she kept drumming home was the fact that you must stick to your guns and don't let the medical staff do anything you don't want them to and to make sure they keep you updated on what they are doing. That is where Phil comes in, i have to make sure he fully knows my wishes and can communicate them on my behalf as i may be a bit pre-occupied (ie whether i want an epidural or whether i want the injection after the birth to help the placenta out etc). I have decided that i will go onto gas & air then pethadine and will try my hardest not to have an epidural (but i am not ruling it out). Its just the fact that an epidural is a anesthetic and they give you an anesthetic injection to be able to put the cord in for the main anesthetic (anesthetic for the anesthetic - how mad is that) hopefully you are still with me here. Also if you have an epidural you have to have a drip to keep your fluids up and i hate the thought of having a drip. Besides i would be so proud of myself if i a managed to go through it all on gas & air and pethadine.
Anyway moving on. Midwife said i had a urine infection last week so has put me on some antibiotics. Unfortunately these antibiotics have given me thrush so i have to pick up some other antibiotics tonight to take on top of the original ones now. I am pretty sure i have now had a touch of every minor complaint you can get while being pregnant!!! Oh the joys!
Baby is still kicking like mad but it is so much more intense. As i said before you can see arms & legs moving about now which is so strange. She keeps rolling around near my bladder which is driving me mad as i am never out of the loo now. If i plan to go somewhere i have to be sure there are toilets available otherwise i may just wee myself!!! Not that that would even embarrasse me anymore i am so past caring about my dignity.
My ankles are still huge. I went to a wedding on saturday and couldn't even get my feet into a pair of heals which had previously been a size too big! so i had to go in flats looking mightily frumpy and short.
We dug the camcorder and the camera out ready for the big day. Which has promted me to have my picture taken as i have none of me pregnant. It seems a shame not to have a record. IF i can take a nice one i may post it on myspace to show you my hugeness, i may even take one of the fat ankles just to prove that i am not over-reacting about their size.
Anyways thats about it. I am an expert about child birth now after my classes so if you have any questions you know who to ask.
Next week the ante-natal class are meeting up the Royal Surrey Hospital to have a tour of the ward. In fact i have a very busy week next week as me and Phil are taking a week off work. Not going anywhere just having days out. Booked so far is a manicure on Monday, my sisters graduation on tuesday and an ant-natal class on wednesday. We may go shopping in Gunwharf Quays, go to the cinema, go out for a meal (Phils treat) erm i think thats it so far.
Anyway speak to you next week (if i get time to write a blog!)
Mum to be


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