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Showing posts from 2011

The middle bit - not a lot happens

I haven't blogged for a while so thought I should before Christmas gets in the way and I really won't have time. The main reason I have been absent is simply that there is not much to say. I have had no appointments, no crucial news or advice to depart and no significant worries. It’s all a bit dull to be honest. My bump is stupidly big now and I am only 24 weeks, I am trying not to think how big I may end up! The bigger bump is proving more difficult to manage especially with finding clothes to fit and general backache. The heartburn is back and worse than ever. I have discovered that Tums are much nicer and work just as well but I am basically eating them all day (within the restricted allowance obviously). It is starting to keep me awake at night too which isn't very nice. The backache can get to a painful climax by the end of a day and I am starting to struggle to get out of chairs if they are too low down. The heels have gone today and the flats are here to stay unti...

Did we or didn't we?

Well after a couple of months deliberating about finding out the sex of the baby the day finally came. I had told my husband that it was entirely his decision if we were to find out but he couldn't decide. In the waiting room, about to go in for my scan, he still hadn't decided and said I will let Summer decide. I wasn't too pleased about resting this decision on a 4 year old that really has no concept of what is going on. So I went in and Summer sat beside me holding my hand (she was very worried that it would hurt even though I had assured her it didn't). It was a rare occasion that the baby was not moving about which was frustrating for the sonographer who needed it to move so she could get all the measurements. Eventually after some prodding it obliged and she was able to measure the important organs and bones which were all as they should be. Apparently it has a rather big tummy but Summer was a whopping 8lbs 13oz when born so this wasn't a shock to me. Then ...

Go with your instincts

My instincts are rarely wrong and yet again this has proved to be the case. When my midwife told me I would need to have consultant led care I was rather surprised and bemused. None of my family or medical history has changed since the first pregnancy and I couldn't see any other reason to be so heavy handed with my care. So I went along to the hospital appointment last week to see the consultant. What a complete and utter waste of time. First off I had to wait an hour and a half to be seen which didn't put me in the best of moods, this coupled with the fact that the waiting room was filled with women who were either morbidly obese or very young meant I really didn't want to be there. I eventually got seen after complaining about the wait. I hate complaining but it is amazing how quickly after that I was seen so maybe my husband is right and it does have its benefits. So I met Mrs Watkins who was very nice. After going through a list of questions she also had the bemused lo...

Almost halfway

I am now 19 weeks pregnant (almost halfway point). At my midwife appointment the other week I did get to hear the heartbeat. It was much faster than I remembered but felt nice to hear it and that it was all normal and strong. There has been so much movement over the last week. My stomach feels like a washing machine on a spin cycle. The kicking feels like flutters but every now and again it feels like my whole stomach has turned over - much like the feeling you get when you drive over a little hill really fast. I am still yet to buy any maternity clothes but have found some nice bits in Debenhams and M&S. I have however got myself some flat shoes as my back is still struggling with the extra weight. The bump is getting bigger by the day but unlike last time it is all staying at the front (apparently a clear sign of carrying a boy). Last time I just got bigger all the way around (apparently a clear sign of carrying a girl). Last week I had started to stop feeling so sick and e...

Second trimester

Things are very fast moving in the pregnancy world and the second trimester is probably the quickest part. I am at 17 weeks now and the itching has begun! I forgot how irritating this could be, I literally itch from head to toe at the most inconvenient times. Mainly when I go to bed or am trying to chill out in the evening. Based on last time around I am hopeful that this won't last long as it has an awful affect on my mood. The other thing is that I can feel the baby moving (or kicking). At the moment it is very infrequent and I can only really feel it if I am lying still as it is quite faint but that will increase over the coming weeks and will probably be another thing that will keep me awake. My appetite is getting better although I still have to eat as soon as I am hungry otherwise I go off the thought of eating very quickly. Also when I eat I can only manage tiny portions so it is a case of trying to eat little and often which is better for you anyway. The upside to this...

Mood swings & sex

I haven't written in a while mainly because I have been in a constant bad mood over the last couple of weeks and I refuse to write while in a negative frame of mind as it would just turn into a rant. There have a been a number of changes over the last few weeks. A weakened bladder is by far the worst of it! Other changes include a bigger bump (really struggling for clothes now), discomfort and cramps in the side of my tummy and cravings. To top all of this off I have been intensely busy at work and with tasks that require a great deal of thinking, creativity and problem solving. This is becoming a big problem for me as my brain is getting a bit jumbled, my thoughts are much more clouded and not as sharp as they usually are. This in turn causes a great deal of frustration and generally just making myself look stupid! A lady said to me the other week "I got post natal depression when I had my daughter and I still have it 23 years later" My response - "Oh dear - how o...

Going public and the scan (No more cat analogies!)

Last week was quite hectic. I subtly made my news public by sharing my blog. To be perfectly honest it was not until this morning though that any of it has felt real. I finally had my 12 week scan. Still convinced that I was further along or had multiple babies in my tummy I was mildly surprised to hear that I was in fact 12 weeks and 3 days pregnant and there is only one baby there. It all looks ok, they took blood tests for the downs tests which I will hear back in about 5 days. We took Summer (my 4 year old) along to the scan as I thought it would be good for her to be involved and see proof that there was a real baby in my tummy as I am not sure she fully believes me. She was mesmerised and more concerned that the scan itself was hurting me. Leading up to the scan has been somewhat hectic though. Had a variety of events to attend over the weekend, most of which involved people drinking. Friday's leaving drinks for a work colleague was really hard as people smoked all aroun...

Summer - 13 days old

Oh my god, its quite amazing how one little person can make you feel. It is nearing the end of two weeks with my lovely Summer and i already cannot imagine life without her. I find it hard to think what my life was like before her. We definately should have done this years ago. So after i had been stitched up they wheeled me back to the delivery room. Phil was leaving to get a couple of hours sleep and i suddenly felt extremely terrified as they laid this baby on my to feed and i realised i was completely responsible for her. My mum offered to stay with me until phil came back thankfully. As i had had a general anaesthetic i had no feeling from my chest down so she was a godsend and dressed summer for me. I realised i had no idea how to put on a nappy or anything. They then wheeled me to the ward to join the other new mums. Some family came to see us and my mother in law snuck in a mini bottle of vodka for me but as i was attempting to breast feed i didn't open it. Phil was kicke...

Summer - the labour **WARNING GROSS DETAILS**

Summer is 6 days old. Sorry this is a bit late but it has been one hell of a week. Well i went into labour finally on Thursday morning at 6.30. I spent the whole day having contractions. They started to slow down early afternoon so me and my hubby went for a long walk to keep things going. By about 6-7pm the contractions were about 7 minutes apart so i decided to make my way to my mums house as she lives just down the road from the hospital. The contractions seemed to stay put at 7 minutes apart although the pain was increasing. It was all in my back which is a bit odd. It got so bad that i could barely stand it. They then got to about 5 minutes apart by midnight so we decided to call the hospital. They usually only admit you when they are 3 minutes apart so we had to make it clear that the pain was now unbearable. So my brother drove me, Phil and my mum to the hospital (my mum was my backup birthing partner). We were put in a room and about 6 hours later i realised i stil...

Summer week 41

9 day overdue!!!! Well i am physically and emotionaly drained now. On Monday i had a membrane sweep which has a 70% chance of starting off the labour. While doing this the midwife discovered that i was in fact 1 - 2cm dilated (i was finally in labour)!!. She could feel the babies head and everything. So it seemed to be a matter of waiting for the contractions to kick in... but it never happened. So Wednesday the midwife came over again and did another sweep. She had to give me the bad news and explain that i was still only 1 - 2cm dilated, which basically meant my labour had stopped (or paused). So after the second sweep i waited for any sign of the labour progressing. I had severe backache for most of the day and then early afternoon i felt a contraction and 20 minutes later came another and yet another after about 20 minutes. Then just as i am getting my head around the idea of going into labour properly it stopped!!! The dissapointment was just so strong that i cried for most of t...

Summer week 40

Well i am now 2 days overdue!! This part feels like it is passing by so slowly. I saw the midwife on Monday and she told me that they will only allow me to go 2 weeks over my due date. I have to go back and see her on monday (if i haven't had the baby yet) and they will do a membrane sweep if i want one. This is simply running a finger along the neck of the cervix to try and stimulate the cells into starting labour but its not garunteed to start things off although it has a good rate of success. So now i feel like a ticking timebomb. I am too scared to leave the house as i don't think i could face the humiliation of my waters breaking in public. I did not think it was possible to feel any more uncomfortable than i had been up till now but i was sooooo wrong. I keep having hot flushes and am generally sweating from my body overheating, with every move she makes it is actually bordering on painful and she is so far down. Also i am practically weeing every 20 minutes which isn...

Summer week 39

5 days to go!!! Still no sign of the baby... I have tried everything to enduce the labour but they really are old wives tales and it will only happen when my daughter decides she wants to make an appearance. I heard walking is a good way to bring on labour and it also encourages the baby to move down into the perfect position. So we went to Gunwharf Quays over the weekend and did alot of walking. She definately moved down further and i spent the evening having stitch like feelings which i thought may develop into contractions but no such luck. I guess i just need to be patient and wait it out. It is quite scarey though to think every day "is this the day it happens". My biggest worry is that i won't realise that i am in labour. People laugh when i say this and just say "you will definately know about it" but after talking to my mum it seems that is not such a silly fear. She said that she didn't realise when she was in labour with my sister (first born) a...

Summer week 38

Under 2 weeks to go. Well the braxton hicks have now completely stopped. So my previous thoughts of an early birth are now not as much of a reality. Had an appointment with the midwife on monday. She told me that the baby is 2/5ths engaged - in terms that most people (including myself) understand that means that the baby has made it down into the birth canal up to her eyebrows. Timing wise this means nothing as she will push herself further down as fast or as slow as she feels so this is no indication of her due date butat least i know she is in the right position and heading the right way. I also found out that i am anaemic which as i understand is very very common especially in the last few weeks. I simply have to take iron supplements and increase the amount of green veg & red meat in my diet. I have been taking the iron tablets for 3 days now and discovered a strange side effect today. They can make your stools turn black, quite shocking at first and then i realised why ...

Summer week 37

Under 3 weeks to go. I will keep this one relatively short as it is a very trying day today. Its my last day at work and i am surprisingly sad about the whole thing. Work have given me a nice little monetry bonus and a mother & baby photo shoot voucher where i will get pampered and made over. We are going to the pub shortly for farewell drinks (well coke in my case!). I suspect there may be a few tears before i leave today. I am definately ready to go though as its quite hard to concentrate on work at the moment when my ankles hurt like hell and my back is also fairly painful oh and the fact that i have to rush to the loo every 5 minutes... Also the drive to and from work had started to worry me as i have to drive along a very busy dual carriageway and i got a bit worried about what i would do if i went into labour while driving. Oh well, feet up from tomorrow onwards. Phil has finally got into the spirit of things now and has bought the baby lots of clothes from the pumpkin p...

Summer week 36

4 weeks to go. I took nest building to an even higher level last week. Something was really bothering me about the nursery - it just looked too crowded. So i decided to remove the wardrobe which led to other furniture needing to be moved around too. In the end i had re-arranged my bedroom, the nursery, the downstairs hallway and the kitchen. Needless to say i was knackered afterwards. Phil wasn't best pleased either when he came home to see what i had done. It does look nice though but perhaps i shouldn't have done it all on my own. Since then i have had a huge pain in my shoulder blade which i am sure is either a trapped nerve or a pulled muscle, it really hurts all the time but nothing i can do about it as i am not allowed to take any form of pain killers. My own fault i suppose. My aunty was visiting last week so i spent a couple of days with her shopping which was nice. She bought us a bouncer for the baby. Had another midwife appointment on monday (might be my last). E...

Summer week 34

5 weeks to go!!!! This is a day early because i tend to write this at work and i am now working shorter weeks so am not at work tomorrow or friday. Wow - its been a tense week to say the least. Braxton Hicks have now officially started. For those of you that don't know these are simply fake/ practice contractions to get your body ready for the real thing. My sister had a party at her house on saturday night and that is typically where they really kicked in. My mum was there and everything so i tried very hard to play it down but they really can take you off guard and take your breath away. The next morning i popped into Guildford and they came back with avengance. I was with phil but tried my hardest not to let on what was happening as i didn't want him to panic. But i had such a pain in Next that i had to bend over and lean against the wall for support. Phil sussed something was going on. It was at that point that i suddenly realised what an idiot i was - i had been assumin...

Summer week 33

Under 6 weeks to go!!! First off let me apologise for not posting last week. I had the week off work and my home computer decided to play up so i couldn't get online to do this. So i will try my best to combine the last 2 weeks. Last week (week 33) - Was hugely hectic! Myself and Phil had the week off and i was exhausted at the end of it but realised we hadn't acually acheived much. On the Tuesday we went to my sisters graduation and i had massive issues yet again trying to find an outfit that didn't make me look like moby dick. All my immediate family attended along with a few of my sisters friends. The first thing my mum said to me was "you have certainly got that pregnancy waddle" - Cheers mum. It was a really nice day and really nice to see my sister doing so well but making my way around london was very tiring and my feet had swollen up like balloons by the time i got home. So the next day we decided to take it easy and go to the cinema. We watched Harry ...

Summer week 32

Under 8 weeks to go... Lets start off with something that is fresh in my mind - last nights ante-natal class! The strange couple didn't turn up this week much to the midwifes relief. Me and phil were the first to arrive (again) and had a giggle with Tanya (the midwife) about the previouse week. She promised that we would be finished much quicker this time. We went over assisted labour - what happens when things go wrong! The look on my face must have been quite something as she kept apologising to me specifically everytime she said something gory. Funnily enough i can handle most things but when it comes to having the drip tube in your wrist or the epidural cord in your spine i get incredibly squeemish. She ran through the realities of a C section and its much more scarier than i had first thought. I always thought you couldn't feel anything but she said it actually feels like someone is doing the washing up in your tummy. Also that you are only anethasised from a certain pa...

Summer week 31

Ooooh i am now in the single figures for the count down - 9 weeks to go!!! Its been fairly uneventful this week again. Although on Sunday i took nest building to a new extreme. I decided to get a new computer desk and bring it into the living room and out of the conservatory, i also decided the conservatory needed a new floor laying down and to be completely re-arranged to make it a nice dining room / chill out room. So we did it all in one day as i simply couldn't wait once i got the idea in my head and Phil wasn't going to argue with a hormonal pregnant woman. It looks great though and i am really pleased. We have been in that house for a year now and for the first time it is set out the way i want it. Oh i won that dress from ebay (the one i plan to wear to this wedding on saturday). It arrived yesterday and i tried it on. It looks fab. I am out to prove that you can look great when you are the size of a house! The only thing that lets the outfit down is my flat shoes. Fl...

Summer week 30

Hello, This week i have mostly been e-baying. God i forgot how addictive it is. I now contantly have my ebay summary up on screen in the background to keep an eye on items i am bidding on - its so sad! Anyway down to business. I had the all clear from the diabetes tests so thats a definate plus point. I have my next appointment with the midwife on Monday, i think i have to see her every 2 weeks now until the baby arrives. I have booked up the other anti-natal classes (the ones where you practice breathing and discuss the drug options etc). The first one is on the 4th July and i am really looking forward to that, so is Phil strangely. Phil went away last weekend fishing so i thought i would take the opportunity to get a few things done around the house and pack my hospital bag (the one you keep by the door ready to grab when you go into labour) but to my annoyance i got very little done. Phil had left my dad with strict instructions to not let me overdo it (he knows me so well!). My...

Summer week 29

God week 29 already... First things first - the diabetes tests. Midwife came on Tuesday morning to do the tests and hinted that she now thought i did NOT have diabetes but to wait until the results come back as i could be borderline. I have spent most of this morning trying to get my results but my doctors are being a nightmare and won't tell me anything. They basically said "there are no notes attached to your results so assume they are clear". When i pushed them on this and asked if that really meant i had the all clear they panicked and said they couldn't really tell me anything which is awfully unhelpful. I have had to call the midwife to get her to sort it out for me - just waiting for her to call me back! The hernia has been ok but mainly because i have been under the strict eye of my husband who won't let me do anything (or at least he wouldn't last week - this week both my husband and dad have quickly forgotten and i am the scivvy again!). But as lon...